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Reliable and Perfect way to Perform Sylpheed Email Header Analysis

The most popular means of communication in today's modern era is email communication. For sharing any kind of information over the internet. Millions of users depend upon email services to maintain their communication channel over the world. Sylpheed email services are one of the reliable and simple-to-use application is used by most of the users. In this application, the email communication is done with complete accuracy and efficiency, which satisfying the requirement of the users. Apart from all this, the another major factor associated with the Sylpheed message is the Sylpheed header information. The email message header is lines of metadata that maintain email tracking information for the respective Sylpheed message. Therefore, Email Header Analyzer can be used to perform the Sylpheed email forensics and extract all the important information. Hence, the following segment aims to discuss how to view and analyze Sylpheed message header in a detailed.

How to Extract Sylpheed Email Header

As the complete header portion of Sylpheed email is not visible to the users, therefore, to view and read entire email message header, follow the steps given below:

  • To begin, open Sylpheed email application
  • After that, select the folder from which you want to select email

select mail folder

  • Now, choose the message and double-click on it

double-click on an email

  • Then, go to View tab and click Message Source option to view entire message source

view Sylpheed mail header

Analysis of Sylpheed Email Header Attributes

The full email message header of an email message in Sylpheed email application is given below:

Sylpheed mail header analysis

Date: It is pretty much clear from the name that this attribute of Sylpheed email header signifies the date of the message. The main motive of this field is to determine when the message was composed and when sent. However, if this field is omitted by the sender then it can be added by some other computer within the route.

From: According to the name, this Sylpheed email header determines the email address of the sender from whom email message was received.

To: It is the attribute, which is specified by the sender of the email message only that contains the email address of the receiver of the Sylpheed email.

Subject: The Sylpheed email header subject field is the most basic field that specified by the sender only, to clear the purpose of the sending that particular email.

Message-Id: It is one of the important Sylpheed email headers. It contains the unique ID for each email to identify each email uniquely. It is a type of a roll number for every message that is useful for internet service provider.

X-Mailer: The main purpose of view and analysis complete email message header is to identify the route from where email message came from. X-Mailer is the field that is used by the spam filters to block useless messages more efficiently. If the program name used by the email does not match correctly then, the filter of spam will directly throw an email to the Junk folder.

Mime-Version: This email message header shows the versions of MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) used in any email message. It is a web standard that extends the email format in order to make it compatible with text in a set of characters other than ASCII. MIME-Version 1.0 is used when one is sending an email. In addition, it allows users to send the various type of data such as video, audio, images, etc.

Content-Type: The Sylpheed email content type determines the way in which the whole email is shown in the application. There are different types of content-type that represent the structure of an email message. In general, it displays the content in text/plain format mainly.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: Sometimes encryption is enabled while sending an email message over the internet to maintain the authentication of mail. Therefore, this email message header field is used to specify the type of encryption used on the content or data.

X-Sylpheed-Account-Id: Whenever a user configures an account in Sylpheed email application, a unique email id is given to email account. Thus, X-Sylpheed-Account-Id email message header field determine the account id from which email is sent or received.

X-Sylpheed-AutoWrap: It contains the boolean value in the message source signifies whether the message is saved in draft or not.

X-Sylpheed-UseSigning: This email message header field identifies the signatures are used in email header or it is without any user signature.

X-Sylpheed-UseEncryption: There are some email messages that are encrypted by the sender of the message along with header section. Therefore, this field signifies the type of encryption used by the email message.


Email header analysis of Sylpheed email application plays a vital role in the investigation of any forensic case to find out the criminal. Therefore, in this post, the complete procedure to view Sylpheed mail header along with all the attributes of the email message header is discussed. In addition, this information is very helpful from the forensic point of view also for investigators to find the culprit easily. Apart from all this, advance Forensic Email Analysis Software also helps users in finding the evidences from the email header.